@maique We can be cough buddies! I got flu late last Friday and I am just starting to feel over the worst, but have a hacking cough. Hope you feel better soon!
@maique We can be cough buddies! I got flu late last Friday and I am just starting to feel over the worst, but have a hacking cough. Hope you feel better soon!
@SimonWoods 👋 I had a subscription error which Manton fixed for me, so I can post again.
@BestofTimes I’m intrigued by the different ways you can sit on it. I look forward to your review when you have used it for a while!
@BestofTimes I have often looked at those and wanted to try one out, so I’d be very interested to hear what you think of it.
@Miraz Aww, she’s amazing. May she live even longer and prosper.
@Miraz So impressive that Dr WELI composed the music too.
@SimonWoods Zoom is definitely worse than in person, but I find both hard. Only 2 of the 5 hours yesterday were on Zoom but I was a shell of a person by the end of the day!
@jeremycherfas I’ll take that as a compliment 😉. I don’t know what it is about that photo, but it always makes me feel calm just looking at it. I often try to capture a sense of quietness in photos and rarely manage it, but I felt that this one did.
@Parag Thanks! I was trying not to overcomplicate it, but to leave some room for things other than books/films etc.
@jemostrom @maique I do tend to sleep in later at the weekend!
@maique I’m definitely an early bird so I don’t mind 6am too much but it is much harder in the winter when you wake up and get up in the dark.
@maique I hear you. I am lucky enough to get two alarms each workday: the cat alarm (aka Bianca) at 05:30 then my actual alarm at 06:00. I always think I will lie in bed at 05:30 and wake gradually, but I fall asleep and wake what feels like 3 seconds later at 6am! 💤
@Miraz It is indeed.
@Miraz Those photos are stunning!
@devilgate Yay! It’s in the Webmentions dashboard, so I’ll see if it posts properly to the site at the next run of the GitHub Action. The first run failed, but hopefully I’ve fixed the problem. 🤞
@Miraz It’s not 100% effective, but most of the time it means we can peacefully coexist on the same desk.
@Miraz I think that third part loses a lot of people - it’s an abrupt change in tone and a weird plot twist. I personally love it. For some reason, I saw that bit as a giant metaphor for the menopause. No idea if that’s what the author intended!
@Miraz 🎉 That’s fantastic news!
@jtr Nice. It’s important to have these little ceremonies I think.
@Denny I mean, I could… I use Marmite peanut butter which is (unsurprisingly) Marmite mixed with peanut butter for an extra umami kick. I used to make my own mixture, but Marmite now sells it, so I can’t be the only weirdo who likes it 🤪
@Miraz Happy Birthday! 🥳
@BestofTimes Oof. That is annoying, to say the least!
@Miraz I highlighted so many passages in that book.
@alans Woohoo! The post you made on your own site just showed up in my webmentions dashboard. The one on the timeline here didn't which makes me think that I might need to tinker a bit more. I have just added my macroblog feed to micro.blog to see if that makes a difference. I have been previously just linking to new posts manually. We'll see. Thanks so much for taking the time to send a mention from your site!
@alans It’s a very cool idea. Still no idea if I have wired it up correctly though as I haven’t had any mentions through to my dashboard yet from my testing.