Finished reading: Artificial Condition by Martha Wells 📚This series keeps getting better.
Finished reading: Artificial Condition by Martha Wells 📚This series keeps getting better.
Finished reading: Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel 📚I wasn’t sure if this was too close to ‘what could have been’ in our own pandemic to be enjoyable, but ultimately I found it uplifting.
I just came across my Corel Linux Tux toy in a corner at work. A blast from the past as I got it with the CDROMs to install the distro if I remember correctly.
New post: Exploring desktop Linux
In which I talk about buying a mini PC and experimenting with Linux to figure out whether I could switch from macOS full time for my personal computing. More to come over the next few months I am sure!
Finished reading: Death and Fromage by Ian Moore 📚
New post: Devilish fun with a modeless modal editing mode.
In which I mess about with devil-mode
in Emacs.
Finished reading: The Sussex Downs Murder by John Bude 📚Very much a book of its period (Golden Age detective fiction) but enjoyable.
Despite all that, I had a really nice time sewing, but I am a bit pre-occupied with where the end of that broken needle ended up, as I can’t find it 😬
You know those ‘Site Safety’ boards reading ‘Number of days since last accident’? I think I need one of those for sewing which reads ‘Number of days since all the pins spilled on the carpet’. Current count: 0. Perhaps also, ‘Number of days without a sewing machine needle breaking’ (also 0).
New post: On the ‘Emacs From Scratch’ cycle
Here I go round again…
Finished reading: Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus 📚Loved this: it had strong Mrs Maisel vibes, which is a great thing in my opinion.
Finished reading: Death and Croissants by Ian Moore 📚This was a fun read.
New post: Spinning on the Electric Eel Wheel e-spinner
I’ve bought an e-spinner and have been having huge amounts of fun spinning yarn with it.
Such a good morning: I spun my first 30g or so of Jacob fleece on my new Electric Eel Wheel 6.1 e-spinner, listening to May Day/Beltane themed folk music by Lisa Knapp, Goblin Band and others. Bliss. #handspun #spinning
Day 30: hometown (well, kind of). And now it is home time. #mbapr
Day 29: drift #mbapr
New post on ‘but she’s a girl…’: Wolfwalkers
I review a second viewing of the Cartoon Saloon animated film (and cry. Again).
Day 28: community #mbapr Ozzy the mechanical bull has become part of the community since the Commonwealth Games.
Day 27: surprise #mbapr. (Trying this again) We were surprised, when turning a corner in this ‘twitten’ in Lewes, to come across Virginia Woolf’s windmill, which she and Leonard converted to live in.
Sigh. Photos are not appearing in posts again, despite apparently uploading ok? I feel as if I should just post the accessibility description and let everyone imagine what the photo might by have looked like 😋
Ok, where has Superkey been all my life? Elegant, beautifully functional, and an insta-buy from me.
Day 26: critter #mbapr. This one has been ‘helping’ me work from home today.
Day 25: spine (we call her Spines)
Day 24: light #mbapr
Day 23: dreamy #mbapr. The castle of light at night, Lewes, Sussex.