Finished reading: How High We Go in the Dark by Sequoia Nagamatsu. I admired this book more than I liked it, if that makes sense. Great writing, but I didn’t feel that the different stories made a satisfying whole. 📚

I think that's a good take on it. I thought it was really ambitious and as a series of vignettes I think it's successful, super inventive, and sometimes really moving. But those parts didn't quite come together fully.

@alans That’s it, yes. It came across as a bunch of well written short stories. I have seen the book compared to Cloud Atlas (which I love) but I thought that Cloud Atlas made the linking and resolution of each of the stories much more satisfying. Thinking about it, I think the problem with this book was that none of the stories really were resolved in an emotionally satisfying way, or only when we heard about the characters’ arcs through a third party. I did find it enormously thought provoking though!