New post: Current command line setup
I seem to have gathered a few new tools 🧰
New post: Current command line setup
I seem to have gathered a few new tools 🧰
New post: Exercising little and often
In which I try 10 minute strength workouts (nearly) every day to counter my reluctance to exercise.
It works! I’m looking forward to reading some news that I don’t usually get exposed to. Take a look at the plugin here if you’d like to try it (Firefox and Chrome plugins available).
For those of you (particularly in the UK) wanting a bit of respite from the ubiquitous Coronation stuff, can I recommend Māori artist Hāmiora Bailey’s Pīkari Mai browser plugin which scrapes pages to replace Coronation stuff with Indigenous news?
It’s top-stitching time!
Why is getting old an broken plumbing parts removed so much harder than fitting the new ones? After much exertion to remove rusted bolts while inside a tiny bathroom cabinet, we now have two shiny new taps! No more having to keep pliers by the basin so that you can turn the water on and off!
Look at this georgeous thing: another Gravitas pocket pen (in Titanium this time) that I am using as an eye dropper.
New post: Rescued by skylarks
A more personal post than is usual for me, talking about eco-grief.
Finished reading: Widowland by C.J. Carey 📚 I practically inhaled this book in one go: chilling but impossible to put down.
Spring seems to finally have sprung.